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School Council

Our School Council consists of two representatives from each class in Year 1 and Year 2. 

We have a busy year ahead of us with lots of fundraising and road safety activities planned. 

For more information see the document below.

SCHOOL COUNCIL Our School Council consists of two representatives from each class in Y1-2 OUR ROLES:
  • We meet regularly to discuss issues that affect us in school and community.
  • Sharing topic discussions with our classes about things we would like to change or improve in our School and Community.
  • We take responsibility for making sure that every child is heard.
  • We liaise with Pupils, Staff, Parents and Governors to carryout any action points from our topic discussions. 
  • We send representatives to the local area partnership meetings and the antibullying conference.
  • Collecting money for the charities e.g. Poppy Day appeal. 
  • Improving lunchtimes and the play equipment.
  • Being FANTASTIC role models! A STAR SHERIFFS


  • Our A Star sheriffs help to promote safer routes to school.
  • We are trying to encourage more parents and pupils to walk to school
  • We speak in assemblies about road safety.
  • We collect the WOW charts and folders to monitor how children come to school.