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Mental Health Awareness

At Palfrey Infant School we teach, HEALTHY BODIES & HEALTHY MINDS, and that sometimes we need help with both!

We learn about our invisible buckets and how we can help each other to fill them, based on the book "Fill a Bucket" by author Carol McCloud. The book explains how our actions can affect each other’s internal feelings. Watch the videos below with your child and discuss them.

Also see out Safeguarding Policy for Pupils for more information on how we keep our children safe and well. 

"Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" read by author Carol McCloud

"Fill a Bucket" read by author Carol McCloud

In October we participated in World Mental Health Day. We wore yellow clothes and discussed the importance of being well and who we could talk to if we needed to. We also raised over £240 for the charity Young Minds

Young Minds have a very helpful Parents Survival Guide for any parents needing advice or support whether it's helping your child or looking after yourself. It is available here. They also run a helpline for parents, Tel: 0808 802 5544.

World Mental Health Awareness Day