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Attendance and Punctuality

Children’s learning is at the heart of everything we do at Palfrey Infant School but children cannot learn if they are absent . Our school Attendance and Punctuality Policy is therefore designed to give clear information in respect of our Attendance Management processes to parents, children, school staff, governors and the wider community. This policy sets out our ambition for our children and recognises that there is a strong correlation between any absence and underachievement. It also recognises that good punctuality is essential for a child to start the school day prepared for learning.

If your child is absent from school for any reason parents or carers must let us know why by telephoning (01922 720713)  before 9am on the day of the absence. This will ensure we comply with the Department for Education (DfE) regulations on registration and absences.

Although school starts at 8.55am, we open our Whitehall gates at 8.45am. Children who arrive at 8.45am are given morning learning activities and toast while children arrive and the register is taken. Those children arriving late will miss these learning opportunities. A child that is regularly late by five minutes a day will miss the equivalent of a whole three days lost learning per year.

Medical Appointments

Where possible parents are encouraged to make routine appointments outside of the school day and during the school holidays. Should your child need to attend an emergency medical appointment during the school day please notify the school office, 01922720713.

Holidays during-term time

Please do not take your child out of school during term time. Missed learning has a damaging impact on the educational attainment and progress of your child, therefore we would request that parents take a family holiday during school holidays. The school does not authorise term-time holiday requests.   The school is part of the Broadway Cluster of schools who follow a shared Attendance Policy which is in line with the Local Authority and National regulations.  The full Attendance Policy is available here. Extended Leave can result in your child losing their place at the school.  Parents are required to complete a holiday request form and meet with Mrs Adams to discuss a holiday request PRIOR to departure. There is a penalty notice (fine) from Walsall Council for Holidays taken during term-time. More information is available here.