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School Times


NURSERY:  Morning session 8.30am-11.30am, Afternoon session 12.30pm-3.30pm            

Enter and exit via Nursery Gate (Sun Street)

Please note the gate will close 5 minutes after the session starts and ends. Please be on time.

RECEPTION: 8.45am - 3.15pm

Enter and exit via Whitehall Gate

Note: Class 1 exit via Nursery Gate (Sun Street)

YEAR 1 & YEAR 2 8.45am - 3.15pm

Enter and exit via Whitehall Gate

Please note: Whitehall Gates will close 8.55am and at 3.25pm.


Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance is important and we strive to exceed the 96% attendance target outlined by the Department for Education. More information on attendance is available here

Punctuality is important and is monitored on a daily and weekly basis.  Please make every effort to ensure your child is in school on time. If you arrive late please go to the school office to sign in. 

Please inform the school in person or by telephone 01922 720713, on the day of absence, if your child is going to be away from school.