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We intend to ensure our science scheme of work ensures that all children have access to a varied, progressive and well mapped out science curriculum that provides the opportunity for progression across the breath of the science national curriculum.  Working scientifically objectives are taught alongside the national curriculum content to ensure clear and focused coverage.  We intend to reinforce key knowledge and scientific language as set out by the national curriculum and we want our children to be confident learners who embrace opportunities to extend their learning and promote the independent desire for learning.  We intend to inspire and enable children to be equipped to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them


At Palfrey each lesson has a clear focus and scientific skills and enquiry skills are developed with increasing depth and challenge.  Previous learning is revisited regularly and frequently through retrieval and recap activities.  These are planned to ensure coverage and challenge.  This approach increases retrieval abilities and the ability to store knowledge in the long-term memory.  EYFS revisit skills on a regular basis both within quality first teaching interactions and child-initiated activities.

Science forms part of knowledge and understanding of the world and we deliver a well-balanced curriculum where children can explore, investigate and ask questions.  Through Key Stage 1 children explore the science curriculum through the National curriculum and experience a range of experiences during the different units.  Teachers are guided where necessary to ensure they are equipped with secure scientific subject knowledge the enable them to deliver high quality teaching and learning whilst making them aware of possible misconceptions.


Children who feel confident in their scientific knowledge and enquiry skills will be excited about science.  The skills are constantly revisited to ensure a mastery approach across the school and this creates competent scientists who can pose and answer their own simple questions through experiments.  Children are able to use and understand a wider range of scientific vocabulary.  Progress is measured through the child’s ability to know more, remember more and explain more.  The children are assessed and observed throughout the within the focus areas.  Children are able to make at least good progress from their starting points and have the experiences and knowledge needed to progress to key stage 2.

More information can be found on the Department for Education website: 

Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework

National curriculum in England: science programmes of study